1. Hope-to cherish a desire with anticipation
2. Plethora-excess, superfluity ; also : profusion, abundance
3. Melancholy-depression of spirits
4. Parched-deprived of natural moisture
5. Theatre (spelled r-e NOT e-r!)- a: dramatic or theatrical quality or effectiveness b: spectacle 1a c: entertainment in the form of a dramatic or diverting situation or series of events
6. Hypocrite-a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
7. Eccentric-deviating from an established or usual pattern or style
8. Facade-a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect
9. Insight-the power or act of seeing into a situation
10. Ironic-relating to, containing, or constituting irony
Hope you gained some insight with a plethora of wonderful words! Check back next Tuesday for another Ten Things!
Why do people spell it r-e and not e-r?
I feel like it works either way, but the r-e spelling is the snootier version.
Shawna's Study Abroad
Yes...honestly I'm not quite sure why I like to spell it that way...some people consider "theater" the building & "theatre" the art of performing, but I use "theatre" interchangeable (mostly because I like the way it looks!) haha... Really I think it's just a personal preference.
I think interesting your words,mainly facade - that in Portuguese we say "Fachada" ( the pronunciation is some thing like "fashada"). The pronunciation is different but the meaning it's the same 1-face of a building2-false, superficial appearance. And I find odd you don't use the "comma" behind c - in Portuguese is called "ce-cedilla" ç - I suppose is because you key board is English (obvious you are american!) and doesn't have this letter, and besides, English doesn't have "ce-cedilha"...
Theatre sounds like "teatro" (Portuguese), but I learnt in my English classes that this is a British pronunciation (that sounds bettter than "theater"), but in center or centre I think that there is not difference...
Thanks for have born my "short" words.
Congratulations from Brazil, "The country of football"
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