I don't know about you, but I'm no fairytale princess. Love isn't all about kisses, hugs, and holding hands. It's about the fighting, insane, chaotic mess too. Love isn't always a fantasy...it has a lot to do with reality. Sometimes people don't always see that, but it's true. People say they believe in "love at first sight," but I'm not one of those people. I think it takes time, and building up a history. It involves a lot of getting to know each other, seeing each other's strengths and weaknesses, and making memories.
Falling in love with someone is about their good points, but also their flaws and imperfections. It is about falling in love with the person as a whole---all the little quirks that make them, them.
Don't get me wrong; love is an absolutely wonderful, overwhelming, emotion. Just remember the next time you are infatuated with someone that you don't love them. At least, you don't love them yet, but maybe someday you will. That's why you need to take it slow...don't rush things, because it might turn into a chaotic disaster of hate, rather than a chaotic mess of love.
i fucking love this one.you got it all so right here!
thank you...i feel the same way about not falling in love too fast as you i think :)
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