I found the above PostSecret on Photobucket, and it kind of brought me back to my childhood. I can see some of you nodding your heads in agreement. Don't lie! I know you are! ;) Well, I have no shame, I'll admit it. When I was little, I totally bought into the whole stuffed animals coming to life at night thing. Didn't we all at one point or another? I was a stuffed animal Fuhhh-reak! Practically all of my stuffed animals had three names. They all had stories. They all had pasts, presents, and futures.

He has been through so many important moments with me. I cannot tell you how many tears his poor fur has absorbed throughout the years. He carries so many sentimental memories, and I swear on my life that I will probably bring him with me when I go off and get married. I think it is true at any age: sometimes all we need is a great big bear hug!
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