Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ten Things Tuesday: Movies!!!

Ten Things Tuesday-yes-I remembered! Anyway, today I'd like to do ten of my favorite movies.

1. The Phantom of the Opera

2. A Cinderella Story

3. Rent

4. John Tucker Must Die

5. A Walk to Remember

6. Cheaper By the Dozen & Cheaper By the Dozen 2

7. Disturbia

8. The Sound of Music

9. Juno

10. Spellbound

Now...what are ten of your favorite movies? You should a lot of mine out if you haven't already! :) Hope you all have a nice day; I am having a jolly good time at theatre camp! (haha!)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sorry About the Lack of Updating.

Hello everyone. I am sorry about Ten Things Tuesday this week; I totally, completely forgot about it! Summer has been so busy, and sometimes it seems like it's easier to keep my blog updated during the school year. I guess it might be easier then because I have more of a schedule. Well, I shouldn't be writing a lot this week...I am going to theatre camp!
Hopefully, however, once school starts again I will be writing more! I have another blog in mind that I want to write though, so maybe I will get that written sometime in the near future! :)
Anyway, I am very busy, as I said, but I hope you all are having a wonderful summer! I know I am; it has been extremely busy though!
Well, until next time!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Chaotic Mess.

What do i want? Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't know about you, but I'm no fairytale princess. Love isn't all about kisses, hugs, and holding hands. It's about the fighting, insane, chaotic mess too. Love isn't always a fantasy...it has a lot to do with reality. Sometimes people don't always see that, but it's true. People say they believe in "love at first sight," but I'm not one of those people. I think it takes time, and building up a history. It involves a lot of getting to know each other, seeing each other's strengths and weaknesses, and making memories.

Falling in love with someone is about their good points, but also their flaws and imperfections. It is about falling in love with the person as a whole---all the little quirks that make them, them.

Don't get me wrong; love is an absolutely wonderful, overwhelming, emotion. Just remember the next time you are infatuated with someone that you don't love them. At least, you don't love them yet, but maybe someday you will. That's why you need to take it slow...don't rush things, because it might turn into a chaotic disaster of hate, rather than a chaotic mess of love.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ten Things Tuesday: Summer!

Hey all! Looks like it's another Ten Things Tuesday! I am sorry that I haven't been blogging much lately; it is almost like I'm busier in the summer sometimes! Haha! Anyway, I do plan on writing an actual blog really soon, so please be patient. Today, however, it is Ten Things Tuesday! So I would like to tell you ten things I like about summer!
1. Holiday World! (It is a very popular amusement/water park, at least in Indiana.)
2. I get to see friends that I don't get to see much during the school year.
3. Snow Cones, ice cream, and all of those other good, summery foods!
4. My birthday! Yes, my birthday is July 15 (tomorrow!) ...so I'm really looking forward to that!
5. No homework! What kid doesn't like that aspect of summer?!
6. The sunny weather...*sigh* :)
7. Swimming! I haven't been able to swim much this summer, but I love to when I get the chance!
8. Soccer! This summer I have been getting to play soccer some, and I love that!
9. The Fourth of July! Fireworks are pretty amazing.
10. I have been volunteering at the library this summer. At my school, we have to complete a "senior service project" before we graduate, and volunteering at the library is mine. Granted, my library job and I have a love/hate relationship, but the little kids are so cute!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Belated Blogiversary to Me!!!!! :)

Usually it would be a normal Ten Things Tuesday. However, today I will be belatedly celebrating my blogiversary! You see, I thought my blogiversary was July 7, but in fact it was July 2. Still, I thought it should be recognized!

My blog has given me a way to express myself to other people through my writing. It has been motivational for me, and I hope it has been motivational to those reading it. I wasn't sure how many people would even read my blog, but I am proud to say that I now have 8 followers on blogspot! So thank you to those 8 people VERY MUCH! I also know of a few readers that I know personally, so thank you to those people also VERY MUCH! To anyone who has ever read my blog...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

It has been great because I have had readers everywhere from Brazil, to India, to Pakistan, and at least several other places. I didn't realize anybody out of my state would be reading my words (let alone out of my country!) So, thank you to all of those who have read my blog, left me comments, or have acquired a new perspective on something because of a blog I've written.

I remember my first blog comment. It was by someone named Lance. I do not know Lance personally, and I have not had any sort of communication with him since, but it was a great honor when he took the time to comment my blog. I felt like a published author! I know it might not be that big of a deal to you, but it was to me.

Blogging has made me feel like I have at least made a small difference in the world. I hope it can bring me that feeling to a greater extent in the years to come as I reach more and more people. Blogging has been a creative outlet, somewhere I can share my opinion, and a place I can come to let out my emotions. So I just want to say thank you to all of those people who read my blog. It has been a great pleasure hearing from you, and I am looking forward to another great year of blogging. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

TGFS: Thank God For Summer!

Summer is a time to feel relaxed. People wait eagerly all year for summer because it is so full of possibilities. It is a time of family fun, grilling out, being lazy, going on exotic vacations, hanging out with friends, summer romances, baseball games, little kids splashing in the pool, sunburns, ice cream and snow cones, the park, and teenage girls stretched out on a towel trying their best to get a tan. Perhaps it is just a break from the stress of every day life.

However, summer is more than that. It means something different to everyone. Summer is a time of peace. It is a time of getting to know yourself better. You have the time to reflect and meditate. Maybe you have more activity in the summer, or maybe you look forward to the summer because you can just be lazy.

Either way, summer is one of the most popular seasons for a lot of different reasons. To me, summer is like all good things: it must come to an end, and if there was too much of it, it would become a bad thing. Luckily, summer is balanced out exactly as it should be! We get enough of it, but not too much! God really knew what he was doing when he created summer. :)